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Britney Spears is selling her old undergarments to raise money for hurricane victims. Is Kevin selling his old cigarettes butts then? So that's how you got all those girls pregnant. Photo swiped from Lollipop Culture, a fantastic blog!
I agree, and in the last post "careers and finance's don't mix" what would make you decide that 'fiances' needs an apostrophe and 'careers' doesn't? I love your site, but your constant lack of proofreading belies your sharp-wittedness.
okay until this blog suddenly starts paying me and becomes my fulltime job not my second one, you're just going to have to put up with my lack of spell check and proof reading. this is just fun for me people. fun. good times. fun.
this poster has a masters degree---albeit not in english lit or journalism but still, a masters degree. have u ever seen science professors spelling? or anyone in math, science or technical fields (i.e., not liberal arts)for that matter? if u have, i think ive made my point. oh, and this is my shorthand. thanks. i think someones been reading a little too much "eats, shoots and leaves"
it's bras, not bra's