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Romeo Beckham has been rushed to the hospital for the second time this week after suffering from convulsions. Doctor's plan on running several tests on the child to determine what is wrong with him. I can tell you what's wrong with him.....his Mom is a freaking skeleton. That's scary as shit when you're that young. Why do I doubt her parenting skills?
Why is she wearing DARK sunglasses in a dimly lit room? Does she think that because she can't see us, we can't see her? I have no doubt she is a dumb as a fucking ostrich.
Despite I hate beckham with all my football heart, I must disagree with your low attack on Beckham by making fu of his son and his illness. You are despicable and truly deserved to be more hated than Beckham.
Its not the poor kids fault you guys are arsholes i reckon you only hate beckham coz your jelous. Come on what has he done to you. GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!
dammmnnnn....you ripped that one to shreds!