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Ashlee Simpson is officially 21. We can all sleep easier knowing that she is no longer illegally drinking late at night in dark clubs. Three cheers for me I'm as ugly as can be. Hold on you guys I gotta pee. I heard all the famous people are wetting their pants in public. Oh my god Jess....you learned how to tell time! I'm so happy for you! We know how to tell time!...so there! take that! Yeah we are smart. Damn this bitch cleans up on everyone's leftovers. Is Brandon Davis next up? Apparently Lohan wasn't to happy about Wilmer attending Ashlee's party.....at least he didn't have to get stitches.
I THINK THEY ARE BOTH UGLY!!!! they both have HUGE noses and weird mouths! jessica has a nice body but her face is ugly and she is SO stupid! ashly cant sing worth a damn and is even uglier than jessica!
That thing on Wilmer's forehead looks like a staph infection. Or ringworm. Either way, it's contagious and she can't afford any additional ugly on her potato.
yeah my sentiments exactly about ashley olsen; but olsenss above that im sure. as i posted below, ashlees the poor mans ashley---she tries to dress like her (motorcycle boots w white lace dress one case in point) and pout in the camera with her ex, etc, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
ashlee and jessica telling time was my fave on this post. you just made me laugh so hard I almost pulled a paris hilton and peed!