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Since divorce in Hollywood appears to be the new cocaine, I figured I'd do a little tribute acknowledging the recent celeb breakups. May all their second and third marriages, end in divorce even quicker then the first. The Sophia/Chad split-the "everyone told me you fucked Paris Hilton but it took me five months to believe it" divorce. The Jenny McCarthy/That guy she married split- the "you were the hot girl on MTV at the time" divorce. The Kathie Griffin/Matt Moline split- the "I was deaf and blind when I married you" divorce. The Tori Spelling/what's his name again split-The "I only married you for your money" divorce. The Renee Zellweger/Kenny Chesney split- The "we want different things (kids, gay men)" divorce. The AJ/Jamie-Lynn split-The "Shit..I married someone dumber then me" divorce. The Jessica/Nick split....oh wait they are not divorced yet. I'll put them on next months tribute.
funny post!!!!