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Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong are engaged. Good for them. I like them and I like this picture and this is like the one time you'll catch me like being nice.
I used to like Sheryl before she became a homewrecker. Kristin Armstrong was right there beside Lance all the way through his cancer ordeal and gave him three beautiful children. Instead of being thankful to be healthy and having a loving wife who was there, for better or worse, he let his head get so big with his tour wins and the attention from a famous singer. I lost all respect for both Lance and Sheryl. The only person I respect is the wife Lance left behind. She really got a raw deal. I will never buy another thing Sheryl records and I cringe every time I see them plastered all over the media.
I used to like Sheryl before she became a homewrecker. Kristin Armstrong was right there beside Lance all the way through his cancer ordeal and gave him three beautiful children. Instead of being thankful to be healthy and having a loving wife who was there, for better or worse, he let his head get so big with his tour wins and the attention from a famous singer. I lost all respect for both Lance and Sheryl. The only person I respect is the wife Lance left behind. She really got a raw deal. I will never buy another thing Sheryl records and I cringe every time I see them plastered all over the media.