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Police in Maryland are investigating a charge that Paris Hilton offered alcohol and drugs to underage kids. Hilton could face a hefty fine and jail time if she's found guilty. Sounds good to me- "The Simple Life-Jail Edition".......Lil Kim could be Hilton's sidekick. Paris is on her way to a polka, Kim Stewart is on her way to a hoe convention.
i hope she gets put on death row, no, i don't, if she dies, who will be the next super skank?(lohan,reid,etc)
i can't believe people actually think she's hot, or like her! she's such a skank! she isn't even that hot! she can't even put makeup on right! she isn't talented, she doesn't have a sparkling personality, she's just bitch!
i bet that she'd be a hooker if she ever got a job, but since she wouldn't need the money, she'd do it for free.
Paris will sell herself. What a skank.