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Sienna Miller and Jude Law were spotted out together in London holding hands. Miller was still not wearing her engagement ring, fueling the rumor that the pair is still not officially back together. I am sure that Jude is going to have to buy her a bigger, more expensive ring after this mess anyhow. Peek-a-boo, we see you
Sienna, Sienna, Sienna. He had an affair with his nanny and the whole world knows about it. You can do better. You know you can. Don't make the same mistake that keeps 16-year-old girls up at night crying into their scrapbooks. Mark my words: He'll cheat again.
Jude's looking smug since he got Sienna back. I don't think it was so much that he wanted HER back, as he couldn't stand the public humiliation of being dumped.
Sienna, Sienna, Sienna. He had an affair with his nanny and the whole world knows about it. You can do better. You know you can. Don't make the same mistake that keeps 16-year-old girls up at night crying into their scrapbooks. Mark my words: He'll cheat again.