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Beach! I meant beach. Shit I always screw that up......anyways, Lohan went to the beach with her family Labor Day Weekend. Dad Lohan was not released from jail for the event. Damn, I know your crying about that one. Maybe I left my stash in Nicole's purse....I can't possible get through the day without it....I might have to eat something if I can't find it. Oh little sister, I'll soon teach you MY ways of dieting. My boobs used to be this big. I got a dollar on the girl with the pink bikini! Strangle her!
What has happened to our pop culture. What exactly does Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan do to require so much attention? OK LL acts, but not very well. She drinks and smokes underage - great influence. And when will the Simpsons fade away? Not soon enough!!!!!
She is in a different league... Man oh man look at that she's got a Chanel purse as a beach bag. Un-freakin believeable.