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My apologizes to fans, gossip websites, and other news organizations that quoted me as saying that Kirsten Dunst is pregnant. There is no way Kiki could possibly be pregnant...I mean look at her firm little belly. No weight gain whatsoever..... Not a bulging stomach in sight. What the hell was I thinking? Round Rounder Roundest Screw it, She's pregnant people.
Check it out: While she may be pregnant, things have got to be weird for her with JG. His roots are in Swedenborgen, in Byrnathyn, PA (please excuse the spelling on the obviously attempted items). I have some experience with the religion, have dating someone and as of now, having most of my AZ friends members or former members. Sex outside of marriage is like, MAJOR. I mean... It's not that they're wierd or anything but things are different in that religion, for sure. This can't be going over very easily for JG. Some of my friends have a very ignorant level of experience with sex/uality and not one of them has ever slutted out the way some Jewish girls (like me) do when faced with the freedaom of aduthood after a youth of repression.
omg, this really IS bitchy! kirsten dunst is GREAT. remember dolly mag? they COMMENTED kirsten dunsts' dress as a 'finally! a dress where u dont have to suck ur stomach in' and i think it ROCKS
great pics!!! you are awesome and I LOVE your site.