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Ahhh...yes.. the Emmy's. A time for celebrities to put on their biggest hoe-gear and strut their lack of fat down the red carpet. Apparently there was an abundance of make-up artists this year, because the face was caked on heavier then normal. This leads us to the game "Guess the Celeb", because shit, I couldn't tell who was who. Anyone who guesses them all right mustwatch too much T.V. Charlize Theron or Nicole Richie? Both gross and with ugly guys. Star Jones and her dog or Star Jones and her husband? Quite the toughie. Eva Longoria or J.Lo? Both like men and divorce. Calista Flockhart or Mischa Barton? Bony bitches. Jennifer Garner or Renee Zellweger? Either way Kenny Chesney doesn't want to have sex with either of them.
so gross these celebs