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Tara Reid blames the media for making her out to be a drunk..........because the media holds your head back everynight and pours drinks down your throat. A magazine's 5 makeup artists, 3 hairdressers,and two stylists, still can't make Tara Reid not look like a slut.
But she just can't help it. It's who she is and i thank her for it. She just wouldn't be Tara Reid if she wasn't a ho now would she? God bless her little slutty heart.
Why is she still known? i won't say famous cause that's just ridiculius. American Pie was her last movie, like 7 years ago. I can't remeber any sine then. Go away, you're trash.
She looks slutty and greasy, as usual, but her face looks the prettiest I've ever seen it. Holy Photoshop, Batman. It doesn't even look like her, I'd think it was supermodel Ana Hickmann if not for the body.
exactly!!!! well done!