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he's a fucking pedophile- it's ridiculous that his ass wasn't arrested a year ago- you know those 2 have been fucking- what 26 yr old guy is going to wait a year and a half to fuck some girl? And a "famous" one no less!
I find this one much creepier than the Ashton-Demi or CZJ-Michael Douglas age difference, cause at least the younger party in those was an adult. No matter how much "growing up fast" being a teen star makes you do, a 16-year-old is still a kid, and his 24-year-old ass (no matter how much he tries to be a kid) was an adult.
hilary is such a whore. okay, so she doesn't exactly dress like one, but deep down, we all know that she isn't really a saint. hey, at least paris and friends know that they're fags, right?
i cant believe she is 18 and is with joel madden