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Just in case there was anymore doubts, Britney Spears did in fact give birth to a baby and not a bag of Cheetos as previously thought. Below are pics of what appears to be Britney holding her little bundle of joy. Well at least it looks like a baby but maybe it is just a bundle of Starbucks. Hmmmm........... Oh baby baby...how was I supposed to know...... Shit ma my arms a tired...you carry the little shit now. You mean you havfs to feeds it every two hours! Man.. I never would ev gots pregnant if I'ds have know that!
Actually, Britney is not carrying the baby in any of these pics. Lynne has him in all of them. Brit is carrying her dog. Typical teen parent - make the grandma raise the baby.
Teen parent? She's almost 24??? I take offense to that. I was 21 when I had my son and I raise him, in my own house, with my own money. I know women in their 30's whose kids get taken away cause their dirtbags. Lynn is probably just obsessed with her first grandchild, like my mom was. She wouldn't leave me alone and wanted to hold him all the time. yeah I'm stickin' up for Brit!
they're actually holding a little white dog according to other pics i've seen of the same series. i guess it's the spears' way of messing with the papparazzi.