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He looks content with his choice to leave Jen, wouldn't you say? No matter what she says, being slapped in the face with pictures like this must be excruciating for Jen. It's obvious she's not on his mind at all, and he isn't calling anytime soon begging for forgiveness and to come back home. Maybe when he tires of being 'Daddy Brad'...
I don't doubt they are in love, but this is Angelina Jolie people. She has been in how many serious relationships/marriages and she is still early 30s? Late 20s? I want a number not including her brother, please.
How in world do we the public reward over and over again trash like these two? They live the life only dreamt of and without any accountability required from anyone. Why they can make facial expresses to words written by others. Look around the local mall you'll find better looking people and they are real people. Heck they even have special rules when it comes to the law. None.
He looks content with his choice to leave Jen, wouldn't you say? No matter what she says, being slapped in the face with pictures like this must be excruciating for Jen. It's obvious she's not on his mind at all, and he isn't calling anytime soon begging for forgiveness and to come back home. Maybe when he tires of being 'Daddy Brad'...