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Jen Aniston announced on Oprah yesterday that she is ready to date again. In Hollywoood terms this means her and Vince Vaughn will announce their relationship next week. Whoopdedo, Jen is moving on. Oprah cares about the homeless, hurricanes and Aniston's love life.
Don't make Oprah sound shallow, she cares about other things too! Like...getting into Hermes after-hours just cause she's Oprah! So see? She's got a heart of gold.
Oprah always looks so thin and gorgeous on her show... until she has to share the screen with a celebrity. Then she's back to looking like pig-faced fatty.
Please people get over yourselves...Jennifer is beautiful and you all know it - not saying all of us would not look better if we had a team of people working on us though. Give her a break...it's bad enough to go through a divorce...let alone to do it in the public eye...I would like to see how good you would all look after that.
Jennifer and Oprah was all fake. Jen still loves Brad. She needs to get over him