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Well.......is she? I don't have an article and I have no information. All I got is these pics of Kirsten and Jake buying prenatal vitamins. I know nothing and yes I am asking for help. What do you think I live in Hollywood or something? I'm in the f-ing Midwest and most of this shit gets to us like 8 days later anyways. It's too late to shop for condoms. Get the Flintstone's kind.
A lot of OBs prescribe prenatals for women even when they're not preggers for the extra doses of iron and whatnot that are in them. Who knows, though? Maybe she's cookin' one up. Keep us posted!
Not that I am one to talk, but Dunst really does need to take prenatals to help her hair and her skin. More and more women are being told they are the best vitamin to take.
wow! i wonder!